Pdf File
641 kb

How to Destroy the Earth's Fresh Water Supplies Without Anyone Finding Out. Primer on Hydraulic Fracing, by Lisa Bracken (OGAP, Oil & Gas Accountability Project, document).
Pdf File
198 kb

Hydraulic Fracturing 101 (Earthworks document)
Pdf File
45 kb

Hydraulic Fracturing of Oil and Gas Wells (Earthworks document)
Pdf File
197 kb

Hydraulic Fracturing Facts (Earthworks document)
Pdf File
124 kb

What is Hydraulic Fracturing? (ProPublica website information)
Pdf File
2.923 Mb

Fact Sheet: Hydraulic Fracturing. Western Organization of Resource Councils. July, 2009.
Pdf File
396 kb

Fact Sheet: Coalbed Methane Development: Boon or Bane for Rural Residents? Western Organization of Resource Councils. March, 2003.
Pdf File
83 kb

2007 Western Energy Agenda. Western Organization of Resource Councils. March, 2003.
Pdf File
3.03 Mb

Natural Gas Fact Sheet (
Pdf File
476 kb

Natural Gas Migration Problems in Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Geological Society)
Pdf File
164 kb

Hydraulic Fracturing: Myths and Facts (Earthworks document)
Pdf File
320 kb

Frequently Asked Questions (from website,
Pdf File
217 kb

Potential Exposure-Related Human Health Effects of Oil and Gas Development: A Literature Review (2003-2008). August 1, 2008. Colorado School of Public Health.
Pdf File
700 kb

Proposed Gas Drilling in the Upper Delaware River Basin Watershed
Pdf File
4.862 Mb

U.S. Coalbed Methane - Past, Present, and Future. Energy Information Administration.
Pdf File
394 kb

Contamination in Fractured-Rock Aquifers. U.S. Geological Survey.
Pdf File
480 kb

The Oil and Gas Industry's Exclusions and Exemptions to Major Environmental Statutes (Oil and Gas Accountability Project, Earthworks document, October, 2007)
Pdf File
25 kb

What is Methane? (State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, December 2000)
Pdf File
46 kb

Oil and Gas Industry Chemicals and Health (Earthworks document)
Pdf File
300 kb

Disclosure of Chemicals Used in all Phases of Oil and Gas Development (June 14, 2006 letter to Denver, Colorado Departments officials)
Pdf File
45 kb

Inadequate Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing (Earthworks document)
Pdf File
77 kb

What You Need to Know: A Practical Guide to Covering Your Ass (from the website,
Pdf File
74 kb

Get the Answers Before Signing a Lease (from the website,
Pdf File
11 kb

From the Horse's Mouth, What Really Happens During Hydraulic Fracturing: Microseismic Imaging Reveals Fracture Behavior (Research paper extracts)
Pdf File
29 kb

The One Percent Obfuscation (by David J. Cyr)
Pdf File
45 kb

The Un-Clean and Un-Natural Side of Natural Gas (by David J. Cyr)
Pdf File
51 kb

Beware of The Trojan Horses (by David. J. Cyr)
Pdf File
48 kb

5 Reasons Why Exclusive Protection of New York City's Watershed Is ... Wrong! (by David J. Cyr)
Pdf File
79 kb

Air Quality Problems: Pipelines and Compressor Stations
Pdf File
124 kb

How Many Tanker Trucks does it take to Supply Water to, and Remove Waste from, a Horizontally Drilled adn Hydrofracked Wellsite? Let's do the Math! (Chenago Delaware Otsego Gas Group information)
Pdf File
89 kb

This is Not Your Grandfather's Gas Well (Information about Marcellus Shale, New York State)