


www.thescca.ca Sunshine Coast Conservation Association.  Includes issues related to the ongoing concerns about the Sunshine Coast Regional District's two community watersheds, Gray and Chapman Creek Watershed Reserves.
www.watertalk.org/svwa/perryridge Perry Ridge Water Users' Association.  The area is located near Winlaw, northwest of Nelson, British Columbia.
www.watertalk.org Includes an association of groups near Nelson, British Columbia, concerned about their sources of drinking water. Also includes the Slocan Valley Watershed Archive, an "archive of the work of the watershed protection groups of the Slocan Valley".
www.rosslandbc.org Concerned citizens in Rossland about development proposals in Topping Creek Watershed Reserve.
www.wildernesscommittee.org The Western Canada Wilderness Committee website, Vancouver, British Columbia. Supporters on the protection of provincial drinking water sources.
www.trca.on.ca Toronto and Region Conservation - Source protection planning for Duffins and Carruthers Creeks.
www.wcel.org West Coast Environmental Law Association, Vancouver, B.C.  Studies, reports, media releases on drinking water supplies.
www.sierralegal.org Sierral Legal Defence Fund, Vancouver, B.C.  Reports and studies on drinking water.


www.bark-out.org Network of volunteers in Oregon State that are fighting to protect the drinking watersheds on Mt. Hood National forest.
The ongoing public protests about proposed logging in Asheville City's watershed, a site maintained by the Swannanoa Valley Alliance for Beauty and Prosperity (SVABP).
www.nrdc.org/water/drinking National Resource Defense Council of the United States.  Their sub-site on Clean Water & Oceans.
www.cascadiaforestalliance.org Cascadia Forest Alliance.
The Sierra Club and the New York City Watershed Committee.
www.watershedcommittee.org Watershed Committee of the Ozarks, to "preserve and improve the water supplies of Springfield and Greene County".
www.oregonwild.org/atlas/munici.html Atlas showing the location of the State of Oregon's municipal watersheds.
www.kvue.iewatershed.com Watershed Watch, a website from Austin, Texas.
www.tpl.org The Trust for Public Land.  Includes downloadable reports on the protection of drinking water initiatives.
www.cyber-nook.com A site with numerous articles and references on drinking water maintained by Randy Johnson, from Littleton, Colorado.
www.www2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/CIL/WRRI The Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina.
www.pa.lwv.org/wren Water Resources Education Network, Pennsylvania State.
www.srs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/gtr/gtr_srs039/ A synthesis of scientific literature on "Drinking Water from Forests and Grasslands", by the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service's Southern Research Station.


www.wilderness.org.au The Wilderness Society.  Includes issues related to drinking water supplies, such as City of Launceston in Tasmania (see media release of September 19 & 27, 2004).
www.hancock.forests.org.au Hancock Watch.  A group that has been diligently monitoring the logging practices of the Hancock Group of the United States' logging practices in Australia, which includes logging in the public's drinking water sources.